Transform Scotland - For Sustainable Transport

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Fund sustainable transport

Transform Scotland is keen to see a number of spending commitments and priorities in the 2012-13 draft budget and spending review.

From a transport perspective, the key shift in government expenditure would be away from motorised transport — and new roads in particular — and towards greater investment in active travel and Smarter Choices measures. There also needs to be a greater focus on maintaining existing assets rather than constructing new ones, better planning, and the reduction of unnecessary and counter-productive transport expenditures.

  • Implement a national programme of investment in Active Travel
  • Implement a national programme of investment in Smarter Choices
  • Maintain existing assets
  • Reduce unnecessary and counter-productive expenditure
  • Create a better physical and social environment for children
  • Shift towards a greater focus on preventative spending
  • Increase preventative activity carried out by the government's delivery agencies
  • Plan developments that minimise travel and are built around walking and cycling at their core
  • Encourage the creation of safe, attractive, well-planned streets for people

Dedicating 99% of the transport budget to resource-depleting, inactive modes compromises our ability to combat climate change, improve public health, and deliver sustainable economic growth.

We believe that the Scottish Government’s transport policies should re-orientate the transport budget away from road-building and instead support active travel, maintenance of the existing road and rail networks, and investment in public transport. These sustainable measures will provide a benefit for all of Scotland's people, bring greater economic benefits, and support other government aims on health and community.

In order to tackle the impacts of climate change, our key recommendation is that the Scottish Government's budget must, as a minimum, fully fund all of the measures set out in the Government's own plans to meet the emissions reduction targets: the Report on Proposals and Policies (RPP).