Transform Scotland - For Sustainable Transport

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13 August 2008

Scottish Government sustainable travel towns announcement

Transform Scotland [1] today welcomed the Scottish Government's announcement of £15m funding for seven 'sustainable travel demonstration communities' across Scotland. [2]

Colin Howden, Director of Transform Scotland said:

"This will provide an excellent opportunity to showcase how small-scale local transport projects can get people to switch to sustainable transport.

"The English scheme has proved very successful. Given the additional funding available in the Scottish scheme, there is no reason why this shouldn't deliver even better results.

"If Scotland is to achieve its ambitious climate change targets then the transport sector is going to have to get its act together quickly. The sustainable travel towns should be able to provide live examples of how to bring about the reductions in carbon emissions that are urgently required."



[1] Transform Scotland is the national sustainable transport alliance, bringing together rail, bus and shipping operators, local authorities, national environment and conservation groups, businesses and local transport groups.

[2] See <> for Scottish Government news release.

[3] Two of the successful bidders are Transform Scotland member groups: Dundee City Council (Dundee) and SWestrans (Dumfries).

[4] The equivalent English scheme received funding of £10m over 3 years, and was spent on 3 towns. The Scottish scheme intends to spend up to £15m over 3 years.