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13 March 2013

Welcome for Edinburgh city centre pedestrianisation plans

Transform Scotland today (Wednesday 13th) welcomed the plans released by City of Edinburgh Council regarding options for pedestrianising sections of Edinburgh's New Town.

Transform Scotland Director Colin Howden said:

“The proposals will create a more civilised, convivial environment for Edinburgh's historic New Town. People are more likely to stay in the city centre, and spend their money there, if they are provided with an attractive environment with less noise and pollution.  

"Anyone who has travelled across the Continent will know that Edinburgh has fallen far behind its competitors in terms of the quality of its street environment. For a city with such a compact, walkable centre, it is remarkable how little of the space is currently given to pedestrians. Other than Rose Street and a small section of the Royal Mile, the city has little street space given over to people rather than vehicles.

"Pedestrianisation schemes have a long history of delivering substantial economic benefits, and there is no reason why this shouldn't also be the case for Edinburgh. There is no point in Edinburgh's city centre trying to compete with out-of-town shopping centres for car accessibility. Edinburgh should instead ensure play to its strengths and concentrate on making the city centre a more pleasant place to shop and socialise.”


Notes to Editors

[1] Transform Scotland

Transform Scotland is the national sustainable transport alliance, bringing together rail, bus and shipping operators, local authorities, national environment and conservation groups, businesses  and local transport groups. See <> for details.