Transform Scotland - For Sustainable Transport

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Our evidence to Scottish Parliament Finance Committee in response to its call for evidence on the Scottish Government's Draft Budget 2013-14
(pdf | 160KB)
Our response, July 2012, to Edinburgh Airport's 'Airport Surface Access Strategy' consultation
(pdf | 108KB)

(pdf | 71KB)

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(pdf | 67KB)
Our response to the DfT consultation (June 2012)
(pdf | 92KB)
Parliamentary briefing sent to all MSPs in advance of 21/06/12 Ministerial Statement on Rail
(pdf | 102KB)
Transform Scotland position paper on the future for transport in Edinburgh
(pdf | 1.47MB)
Joint report from Cycling Scotland, Living Streets Scotland, Paths for All, Sustrans Scotland and Transform Scotland
(pdf | 1.63MB)
Executive summary version of 'Active Travel Active Scotland' full report
(pdf | 954KB)